This is my anime-like adaptation of the New Mutants, a group of nine mutant teenagers who frequently associate themselves to help each other face violent and dangerous villains and adventures as students of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. 
Based on Marvel Comics, created by Chris Claremont and Bob McLeod
If I ever were to make an animated New Mutants series, here's my idea: With a new X-Men world (that inspired The Spider-Verse movies) with the original nine where they start from being teens to official X-Men, one of them can be the main focus each season and battle there own demons, both Teen Titans, My Hero Academia, Arcane and Stranger Things style and just get creative with it and everything. For how dark the stories are, visually stunning and trippy. And the fact that they also interact with Deadpool (which he appeared in their comics). The non-existing series will be treated as a TV-MA series. 
I've written scripts and storylines that were adopted from the comics and came up with some original stuff as well. Plus, my love for teen drama movies that are relatable and X-Men wanted me to have that thought. Especially some wise words by Chris Claremont at C2E2 back in 2021. And besides, that 2020 New Mutants movie from 20th Century Fox it’s absolutely abysmal, they did them along with the X-Men dirty.
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